Those roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they are...There is no time to them. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 25, 2012

Goals for Senior Year

I'm in the middle of institute in Tulsa, and last night I was thinking about senior year. I still have a couple months before it starts (which is really good, because I am really not ready for school work yet), but I wanted to get down the goals I thought of in a place where they (hopefully) can't get lost.

1. Get accepted to Teach For America
2. Pull off an Education Week that everyone on campus knows about and most people attend
3. Finish the Philadelphia Marathon
4. Win the Williamson Medal
5. Graduate 1st in my class
6. Get honors on my thesis from the American Studies department
7. Write an education op-ed
8. Write more consistently in a journal
9. Find closure in my relationship/non-relationship with my high school boyfriend
10. Use my Marshall grant to go abroad
11. Feel good about my eating and exercise habits
12. Thank everyone who deserves to be thanked for making my time at F&M what it is/was
13. Write memoir like entries of my time at F&M
14. Graduate sad but excited
15. Learn more about mom and dad
16. Form opinions about education that I am proud to stand behind
17. Plan a trip with mom
18. Go to First Friday
19. Buy a really great pair of jeans

That's it for now!

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